Posts in Self-Discovery
Work & Wellness

I’ve been on a wellness journey for awhile now and understand more and more that if I am not consistently taking care of my physical ,mental, emotional and spiritual health, then I am not showing up fully as who I am to everything that I do.

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Finding my Tribe

I have always been an introvert. As a child, youth, and young adult, I would roam around alone for hours, and hang out by myself all the time. I would get lost in my own thoughts and quite often get into trouble with my teachers and mom for daydreaming in school and at dinner. At times my thoughts would turn into negative self talk and then the loneliness would set in. The loneliness was so deep especially when I was a teen, that I wondered what I was even doing here on this earth.

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The Liminal Space

Liminal is the Latin word for “threshold”.  A time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘what’s next’. It is a place of transition, waiting, not knowing.  That moment right before you are about to take the plunge, next step, and make a decision ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It’s an important space filled with choice and great power!

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I am embarking on a new chapter in my life and it's yet another major shift and in order for me to make sense of it, I gotta write about it!

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