Special Offerings
Chakra Clearing Process
Group, couple, and individual sessions available for this amazing and impactFUL workshop series! Each session(7 in total) Jothi focuses on one chakra and holds space while supporting you to clear, heal, and reclaim your power within these energy centres. Connect with Jothi to learn more and book your family, friends, group, or just you and your partner!
4 Session Forgiveness Process Part 1
The F word can be jam packed with many triggers especially with those that we love the most! Early parent/caregiver wounds can continue to manifest within our relationships as attachment wounds. We can get stuck in a resentment loop especially when there is no acknowledgement or closure. Jothi uses spiritual practices, ENLP and Quantum Healing techniques with lots of love and grounding to support your journey from forgiveness to FREEDOM!
HERSpace October 2020!
Join us on Wednesdays in October for Womxn-identified folks only.
“Forgive yourself for believing that anyone who occupies the flesh form as a human being could in any way alter the truth of your being”
4 Session Forgiveness Process PART 2
We continue to explore the ways in which we show up in partnership, relationships, friendship and family. These sessions are open to everyone! Non-binary, all genders, LGBTQ2S+, BIPoC…EVERYONE! We support healing of the attachment wound which is simply a manifestation of our wounded inner child and comes forth in painful relational experiences and heartache.
Please join us on Wednesdays in November everyone is welcome: non-binary, all genders, LGBTQ2S+, BIPoC
These sessions are for couples, partners, friends, sisters, brothers, and singles!
6 Week Breakthrough Process
Do you have a specific challenge that continues to hold you back from living your best life? Have you come through some deep healing and now want to reclaim and emerge in the fullness of who you are, but unsure of next steps? Jothi holds space and guides you over the course of 6 weeks, using a variety of tools, techniques, and processes with ENLP, Quantum Time Healing, Creativity, Spirituality, and Mindfulness. You will be supported in turning your PAIN into PURPOSE and show up fully in your truth and light!