Advocacy: Covid and Beyond

Jothi Creative Wellness strives to collaborate and partner with community organizations and individuals to use our collective privilege in ways that support racialized and underserved communities especially during times of adversity.  We create improved access to healing spaces while also creating opportunities for folks of colour to lead!  It is important to us that all community members are represented within our spaces.

Student Wellness

Supporting our most valuable resource, our children, to feel more supported and held as we equip them with coping tools to face daily stress and adversity in the classroom and beyond.  Teachings around compassion, empathy, inclusion, diversity, and mental/emotional wellness are some ways in which we can create resilience within our students.

Teacher Training & Wellness

Exposing our educators to mental health first aid training while creating a more holistic approach to teaching and supporting students with varying wellness needs.  Sharing tools for improved self care and personal wellness so teachers can feel renewed and empowered within the classroom.

Jothi spearheaded an Equity Diversity Inclusion and Wellness sub-committee as part of the School Community Council at her local school. This committee comprises of teachers, students and parents and addresses the needs in these areas for the entire school community. To learn more please contact Jothi!

Women Only – A Space for Wellness

Creating space for racialized women and women who have experienced gender violence to feel safe, heard, held and supported as they heal and grow in sisterhood.

Workplace Wellness

We are passionate about bringing wellness space to the workplace and offering a space for employees to decompress and recharge.  Workplace stress has been found to be the primary cause of mental health concerns for Canadians.  We are here to support employees to create a more balanced approach for their team and organization.


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support our advocacy work

Our Advocacy work here at Jothi Creative Wellness is largely based on community projects, and the philanthropy of our team. We urge our community to help support us as we bring new initiatives that promote growth and healing back to our community.

Ways to Help

Contact us to Donate Money, Donate Resources, Donate Your Time, and/or Collaborate and Partner With Us.