Jothi is at the centre of who I am! It is my middle name and I embody the full essence of its meaning, which is light/spark in Sanskrit.
I grew up with adversity and experienced trauma as a young child, youth, and young adult. These tough experiences created a protective wall around me making me numb as I coasted through life without caring about my own personal safety or care. I ended up making some pretty horrible decisions that further compounded my pain. Then at 23, I met my partner and everything changed. This idea of being loved for me was a concept that I did not know. This relationship opened my heart wide open and a spark was ignited!
When I had babies so much of the trauma that I thought I had done a good job at burying, resurfaced in very real and difficult ways. Becoming a mother triggered the pain around my conception, birth, and childhood. I was overwhelmed by all of it and had no choice but to either choose a path of pain and death or deal and heal. At 37, I took a courageous leap of faith investing my time and energy into my journey. Through countless hours of therapy, self work, delving deep into my arts practice, being a mom, and having a loving supportive partner, 12 years later, I feel more grounded and empowered than ever before!
I have come such a long way in my own healing and reclaiming process that I feel called to share and support others in their journey. My journey to break generational cycles of abuse, violence, addiction, pain and hurt continues and will so for the rest of my life. I see myself! I accept my past and all the dynamic parts of me as I walk into my future knowing that many layers and facets of who I am define me. I support others in seeing themselves within and on the other side of pain. I create safe and sacred space for folks to share their story, accept, let go, take responsibility, forgive, learn, grow, and reclaim this beautiful space that is their birthright to claim! My work outside myself as a partner, mother, community builder, wellness facilitator, artist, and mental health advocate, remains closely aligned with my inner work. I walk the talk, and continue to practice what I teach. It’s not always pretty, or easy, but it’s necessary if we are to live our fullest lives!
As a Transformational Coach, it is my heartfelt intention to create and ground spaces of reclamation for folks who are ready to journey back home to self. This journey and reclamation process can take on many forms and shapes and at times may be difficult, intense or uncomfortable. There is space for all of it, with me. I know that these spaces are new for many of us, let’s connect in meaningful ways and explore what they look and feel like, together. I will hold you lovingly within my light and spirit and gently guide you in ways that you may have never experienced and will leave with a sense of knowing who you are. Let’s connect!
I am a Certified Sacred Leader with Sacred Women International, Leadership Durham Steering Committee Member at Community Development Council of Durham, Diversity & Equity Committee Member and School Community Council Chair at Carruther’s Creek P.S., Certified Evolved Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Quantum Healing Practitioner from Avalon Empowerment, Volunteer 10+ years with Community Care Durham, Multi-disciplinary Artist, Wellness Facilitator, Program Developer, Community Builder, and Mental Health Advocate.
“Life’s waters flow from darkness. Search the darkness, don’t run from it.”