Relationships is the focus of this particular full moon in October 2022, not only because the sun will be in Libra — the sign of partnership — but also because it will be in a close conjunction with Venus, the planet of love and romance.
As the first sign of the zodiac (and a fire sign at that), Aries energy is known to be hot-headed, confident, and impulsive. Aries like to get what they want and tend to do so. As a result, you may see positive results on a long-term professional project during this full moon. Everyone is also going to be very, very turned on. Full moons are primal, to begin with, and Aries is ruled by Mars, the horny god of war. So, you can safely stay in and masturbate or make love to a trusted partner, or roll the dice and go on that date with someone new. It could lead to the best sex of your life, go up in flames, or both.
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