Embracing our Herstories
Tuning into our Body Wisdom, Intuition and Creativity in Sacred Circle
Embracing our Herstories is a 6 week storytelling series that incorporates the modality of Interplay, an improvisational storytelling technique that centres voice, movement, stillness and storytelling.
Participants will delve into sharing and transmuting our experiences that can support or individual healing paths. Creating new and alternative stories, rooted in our erotic desires for ourselves and the collective.
Periodically we will also engage with writings by eco and/or womanist thinkers in contemporary times as sources of wisdom and affirmation. This is a queer-friendly space. The purpose of the series is to encourage the practice of self-exploration and expression with and amongst others.
Participants are invited to choose a goddess that they would like to integrate in their own being throughout the period of the series.
Or for some women you may identify more with the Divine Masculine, that is welcome also.
Connecting through play we will discover the stories that want to be shared, we will move our bodies and allow them to speak, we will allow for our own truths to be witnessed, and tune into connecting with one another beyond the mental.
About the Facilitator
Sharrae Lyon is a time traveling mystic existing in the nexus of the past, present possibilities and envisioning futures that empower us to remember our deep interwoven connection to the Earth and Cosmos.
She’s a mover, visual artist, filmmaker, and healer who believes powerfully in humanity’s capacity to create new, more joyful forms of moving through life.
Her film work Delayed Echoes (2018), Gaia’s Awakening (2014), Body as Technology (2015) are bodies of work that explores the intersections of neurodiversity, ancient wisdoms and modern contexts. Presently she launched a podcast entitled, Delayed Echoes - Divergence birthed from the short film.
Her work has taken her to share both in workshop, creative writing and film screenings in Detroit’s Allied Media Conference, Black Artists and Activists Convergence at Dalhousie University, various workshops at University of Toronto, Carleton University and McGill University, the X Space, MTL.
Her work has previously been supported by the OAC, Canada Council for the Arts and Inspirit Foundation.
Her writing has been published in For Harriet, The Peak, Muslimah Media Watch, Canadian Dimension, The Root Zine, rabble.ca, Jamaica Self-Help.
As a student of African Spiritual healing traditions she is humbled by life’s capacity of shift, change and transformation. She believes strongly that the ancestors of all people are beckoning us as a human society to choose different ways of addressing the larger solutions of today. Rooted in reverence, truth, beauty and respect for all life.