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HERspace Reclaiming Sisterhood

*Our Wellness Wednesdays are exclusive to HERSpace Members only.

Reclaiming Sisterhood with Jothi

*Artwork by Juliette Gagnon Lachapelle

*Artwork by Juliette Gagnon Lachapelle

In these sessions we will explore some of the more difficult and harmful ways that we as womxn have been raised and programmed to believe that we are less than and how we have perpetuated these feelings of lack within our sisterhood relationships. We will journey back home to our Divine Feminine and Masculine essence and imagine what deep, meaningful and loving sisterhood could look like. Then WE CELEBRATE ourselves and each other, declaring our love and commitment to fostering and nurturing healthy relationships with the womxn around us.

June 9: Session 1 Dismantling colonial patriarchal structures that taught us to judge, compare, and compete with one another7:30-9:00pm EST

June 16: Session 2

Coming Back Home to Our Divine Feminine7:30-9:00pm EST

June 23: Session 3

Redefining the ways in which we wish to give and receive in sisterhood7:30-9:00pm EST

June 30: Session 4 Honouring & Celebrating Our Sisters7:30-9:00pm EST

About the Facilitator


Jothi is an intuitive healer and community builder who uses her unique blend of neuro-linguistic programming, quantum time healing, creative process and spiritual practice to hold space for folks to reclaim who they are at their essence. Jothi is the Founder of Jothi Creative Wellness and Visionary behind HERSpace.

Jothi came into this world held by the collective power of womxn, at a home for unwed mothers in Bangalore, India and from that magical moment onward, she has been on a mission to heal and change her narrative to that of empowerment. Jothi believes that at our core, womxn are so powerful and as we unravel within our deep self work and as we deconstruct the contexts in which we were made to believe that we are less than, a new way emerges. A lotus flower blossoms within us that is so deeply rooted in Mother Earth's life force energy and the Divine Mother within us. We are held in this powerful truth and when we embody this truth within us, we begin to see this truth in each other. When womxn come together in this way, we become a magical force!

Earlier Event: June 22
If Pussies Could Speak!