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Reconnecting to the Body through Clay Sculpting

This is a beginner friendly art workshop that invites participants to take a break in their day for self-care and mindfulness through creativity. We will activate our bodies and focus on body positivity through using our hands to sculpt with clay. The body is a vessel and when we actively connect to it through movement, we begin to explore ourselves deeper and cultivate a new experience of how we view our bodies through art and expression. All bodies are welcome! This is a guided workshop and will require participants to purchase/gather some materials prior to the session, a cost-effective master list will be supplied.

Session 1:

Activity: creating jewelry vessels for rings and earrings

What you will learn: different kind of clays, beginning to work with the medium and forming shapes and patterns

Session 2:

Activity: creating free-standing vessels that can hold necklaces, incense, pens, flowers

What you will learn: baking and drying techniques, what you can do after your clay is cured, reinforcement and how to make it stand-alone

Session 3:

Activity: painting and finishing our clay creations

What you will learn: how to use acrylic painting, painting techniques, and ways to finish/seal your art

Techniques that will be covered throughout: forming, rolling, cutting, mark-making, carving, shaping/modeling, assembling, drying, sculpting after dried, painting, different finishes.

More sessions to be added, must register for each one. Please have materials ready before class!

About the Facilitator


Semone Rajkumar is a multi-disciplinary visual artist, based in Brampton. She currently work full-time as a studio technician at a bronze-casting foundry that specializes in fine art. She works mainly in wax (casting, sculpting, re-texturing on artist originals) and mold-making, but her skills also incorporate working with patina (the use of chemicals and heat to change the colour of metal) and metalworking. She is also currently part-time studying to be a teacher/trainer for adults, which is why she immediately gravitated towards this opportunity! Her artistic practice is primarily focused on (but definitely not limited to) acrylic paints/gouache, sculpting with clay or wax, and exploring hand stitching and beading methods to embellish fabric and clothes. A huge component to her practice is being mindful and intentional in her creative process. Self-care and wellness play a huge role in her life and she likes to incorporate that in how she creates, and as a result in how she instructs.