
Although my Certifications include being a Certified Sacred Leader with Sacred Women International, a Certified Evolved Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Quantum Healing Practitioner from Avalon Empowerment, Multi-disciplinary Artist, Wellness Facilitator, Program Developer, Community Builder, and Mental Health Advocate, I do not hold qualifications of a Psychotherapist.

As such, it is crucial to note that although the programs at Jothi Creative Wellness Inc. are designed to support you on your wellness journey, they in no way should substitute consultation with your Healthcare Provider and/or Mental Health Practitioner or Psychotherapist. Programs designed at Jothi Creative Wellness Inc. should only be supplemental to your wellness journey and do not intend to replace, but rather, support your Healthcare needs.

We recognize that each individual’s journey with their physical, mental and emotional health is unique and do not condone utilizing our programs without the knowledge or support of your healthcare provider. Please critically assess your own individual healthcare needs and utilize your Doctor’s advice before signing up for any programs at Jothi Creative Wellness Inc. if needed.